INVITATION FOR TENDERS


                                                                             Tbilisi Transport Company LLC

                                                                               Tbilisi Bus Extension Project

                                                         Supply of 110 full low floor 12m CNG buses and related services

This Invitation for Tenders follows the General Procurement Notice Ref 9424-GPN-47166 for this project, which was published on the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (the Bank) website, Procurement Notices ( on 17 May, 2019.

Tbilisi Transport Company LLC, hereinafter referred to as “the Purchaser”, intends to use the proceeds of a loan from the Bank towards the cost of the Tbilisi bus project extension.

The Purchaser now invites sealed tenders from eligible suppliers for the following Contract to be funded from part of the proceeds of the loan:

Contract NoTTC-2, Supply of 110 full low floor 12m CNG buses and related services, including:

  • 110 full low floor 12m CNG city bus;
  • automatic passenger counting system on each bus;
  • a set of workshop diagnostic equipment for buses;

Delivery conditions: DAP (Tbilisi). Delivery period is as follows: first consignment of 30 buses - not later than 31 March 2020, secondconsignment of 40 buses - not later than 30 June 2020, last consignment of 40 buses - not later than 30 September 2020.

One contract will be signed.

Tendering for the contract that is to be financed with the proceeds of a loan from the Bank is open to firms from any country.

To be qualified for the award of a Contract, Tenderers must satisfy the following minimum criteria:

  • (a) Tenderers shall meet the eligibility requirements: no conflicts of interests, not having been declared ineligible by the Bank, compliance with requirements of tender documents for government owned entity if a tenderer is owned by the government, not having been excluded as a result of the Borrower’s country laws or by an act of compliance with UN Security Council resolution;
  • (b) Tenderers shall not have a consistent history of contractual non-performance within the last 5 (five) years. All pending litigation shall in total not represent more than 10% (ten) of the Tenderer’s net worth;
  • (c) The audited balance sheets for the last 3 (three) years must demonstrate the soundness of tenderer financial position, showing long-term profitability, including profitable result of economic activities in at least 2 (two) of the last 3 (tree) years.
  • (d) The tenderer must have an average annual turnover as prime Supplier over the last 3 (three) years of at least EUR 30 (thirty) million equivalent.
  • (e) The tenderer shall demonstrate that it has access to, or has available, liquid assets, unencumbered real assets, lines of credit, and other financial means sufficient to meet the production cash flow for the contract estimated as not less than EUR 15 (fifteen) million equivalent;
  • (f) The tenderer or, in case the tenderer is not the manufacturer himself, the manufacturer of proposed buses shall have successful experience of delivery of at least 600 (six hundred) new city buses of any low-floor model with the vehicle length over 11m over the past 3 (three) years;
  • (g) The tenderer or, in case the tenderer is not the manufacturer himself, the manufacturer of proposed buses shall have successful experience in production and deliveries of at least 300 (three hundred) 12m – 18m CNG buses to the bus operators in European Union during the last 3 (three) years.
  • (h) The tenderer or, in case the tenderer is not the manufacturer himself, the manufacturer of proposed buses shall also have experience in manufacturing of at least 50 buses of a similar model proposed in the tender (with the same engine, fuel system, axes and gearbox as required in this tender), which are ordered by or delivered to the transport operators in European Union during the last 3 years.
  • (i) Manufacturer of the proposed buses shall have at least 15 (fifteen) years of experience in manufacturing of 12m-18m city urban buses of any model.The manufacturing plant shall be in the ownership of the manufacturer and shall have been used for the manufacture of CNG buses for at least 3 years and during the last 12 months shall have been used for the manufacture of the same or similar type of buses prior to the date of the tender release.
  • (j) The tenderer and the manufacturer of the proposed buses shall have a certificate of quality management system (ISO 9000, or its equivalent). The manufacturer shall have a certificate of environmental management system (to ISO 14001, or its equivalent).
  • (k) Tenderer shall be capable of the fulfilment of commitments regarding maintenance, the repair and supply of spare parts, described in the tender documents. Local maintenance facility shall be available.
  • (l) In the case of a tenderer offering to supply goods under the Contract which the tenderer does not manufacture or otherwise produce, the tenderer has been duly authorised by the goods’ manufacturer to supply the goods in the Purchaser’s country; 

Joint venture, consortium, or association (JVCA) shall satisfy the following minimum qualification criteria:

  • (a) The lead partnerof JVCA shall meet 60% of all the above referred qualification criteria on average annual turnover and financial resources.
  • (b) Each other partner of JVCA shall meet at least 20% of all the above referred qualification criteria on average annual turnover and financial resources.
  • (c) JVCA shall meet in whole criteria for experience, as well as the eligibility and financial situation referred to above, the corresponding data that defines the overall capacity of the JVCA, shall be specified for each partner. Each JVCA partner shall meet the requirements for historical financial performance, eligibility and trials.

Tender documents may be obtained from the Purchaser’s office at the address below upon payment of a non-refundable fee of 200 EUR (two hundred Euro), including VAT, or equivalent in Georgian Lari (GEL)at the exchange rate of National Bank of Georgiaon the date of payment.

Payment of a non-refundable fee is to be made by bank transfer to:

Beneficiary Bank: JSC TBC BANK


Correspondent bank details for the payments in EUR: DEUTSCHE BANK AG FRANKFURT/MAIN, GERMANY SWIFT: DEUTDEFF INTERMEDIARY BANK: BLZ: 50070010

Beneficiary: Tbilisi Transport Company LLC

Acc.No. for payments in GEL: GE67TB7931836070100001

Acc.No. for payments in EUR: GE14TB7931836170100001

Upon receiving appropriate evidence of payment of the non-refundable fee, the tender documents shall be distributed electronically in PDF and MS Word formats to the email address, indicated in the written request, but no liability can be accepted for loss or late delivery. In the event of any discrepancy between PDF and MS Word versions of the documents, the PDF version shall prevail.

All tenders must be accompanied by a Tender Security in the amount of EUR 500,000 (five hundred thousand) or its equivalent in another convertible currency or Georgian Lari (GEL) at the exchange rate of the National Bank of Georgia on the date of issuance.

The tenders must be delivered to the address below on or before 25.10.2019, 12:00 Tbilisi time, at which time they will be opened in the presence of those Tenderers’ representatives choose to attend.

A register of potential Tenderers who have purchased the tender documents may be inspected at the address below.

The applicable procurement rules are the Bank’s Procurement Policies and Rules (PP&R, rev. November2017), which can be located at:

Prospective Tenderers may obtain further information from, and also inspect and acquire the tender documents at, the following address:

Purchaser: Tbilisi Transport Company LLC

Contact person: Mr Giorgi Dolidze, Head of procurement department

Address: #2 Station Square, Tbilisi 0112, Georgia

Phone: +995 (32) 235 77 77(ext. 1600)

Fax: +995 (32) 293 41 41
